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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
about this blog
it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
pool and buy
My brain has the capacity of mush after the 'step-down technique' lecture we had earlier. Sitting in a lecture for 3 hours and 30 minutes somehow stimulates the latent ADHD in me. I can't even concentrate on blogging properly now.I was surfing the net aimlessly (like I always do) and I found this cool piece of gaming news that make me weep in shame and simultaneously curse my awful habits as a social outcast. But then again, said combo pack (if you would bother to follow the link) should already be released in Malaysia, but the guys at Sony Centre never breathed a word about it. Wtf, Sony? It's like the employees there want consumers to buy underwater products from S'pore. If we want to go technical about it, the guy at OU's Sony Centre told me that PS3s are cheaper in outside stores (wow genius, tell me something new), but he never pressed on about selling a genuine Sony-Malaysia-approved-PS3, so I quit on him and whatever half-hearted babble he was on. Please-lah. Malaysians love their discounts and promotions, and if Sony Malaysia actually had something like that going on, and if they actually want to compete with the abang at Digital Mall, then they need to revamp the whole blah-ness of their atmosphere. That ended up as a rant against Sony, somehow. Which is a pity, because I actually like Sony. Maybe I'm slightly prejudiced against the Centre at OU because it seemed like they have a specific target as to who their potential customers might be, and it just never struck them that a 20-year old girl would actually be interested in gaming consoles. Which is a pity, because I definitely want Heavy Rain now. FF-XIII sucked. No offense to anyone who might have enjoyed it, but seriously, that game is a chore. Lisa has AC: Brotherhood for Christmas. It kinda sucks that my family doesn't celebrate birthdays, and my friends won't get me something that expensive for Christmas; otherwise I could have asked for Heavy Rain. Still, it was funny shouting out to Jo about getting me a ACII (this is before I checked out Heavy Rain, mind you). So, what did I do on the weekend that Jesus Christ was supposedly born on? Although really; it's not; and really, the celebration has minimal religious implications for reasons I shall not say. Went ice-skating with Aliaa and Som, and boy, was it packed! By 3 o'clock, the rink looked like an over-packed aquarium with humans as fishes. We were supposed to go with a few other people as well, but they all canceled out at the very last minute so we're back to our original threesome joysome. Som was pissed off, but in my opinion, at least they told us that they weren't going. Being stood up by a friend whom you would consider to be one of your best buddies is much, much worse. The experience has probably immunized me. The following day (Sunday) was a reunion with Shar and Jo. We pretty much terrorized OU. It was awesome. We're probably going to meet up again tomorrow at KLCC, so it's safe to say that the foreigners are going to have a pretty gay and giggly version of Malaysia after seeing the three of us work our stuff. Oh yeah, baby! it's found :B
Alhamdulillah! The sexy pink baby has been found!
To show just how much I've repented from the clutter-of-a-life I've been leading, I spent the entire evening cleaning up my room yesterday. It's all clean and nice now. But I might have to change rooms later on because 2nd RC has this new policy of segregating the courses by floors. They're planning to implement it in January. It sucks, really. While I admit that 85% of my social contact in 2nd RC already consists of dental students, it doesn't mean that I want to see dental students day-in and day-out. There are other interesting topics of conversation that does not relate to teeth. Or medicine. Another point in fact is that a residential college is supposed to be like a second home to students. You don't change homes after just 6 months of living in them. Well, maybe you would, but even if you do, it definitely won't be at the same area again. Either way, my PSP is back now. Yay! lost day 2
As the days pile up without a sight of the pink PSP (or a better memory of it's last sighting in fact), I am beginning to lose hope. It's probably at the bakery by Jusco in Mid Valley. Or it's lying under the seat of a taxi. Or it's in the hands of some dirty boy who handles it roughly and with absolutely no respect whatsoever. Dear God. I am so sorry that I got greedy with the PS3 (and am eternally grateful for it as well). My PSP has helped me through some rough times. It's a readily available escape portal that is easy to use. Definitely a hand-held console made for the mobile gamer. Please help guide my pink PSP back home. It's probably (I hope) alone somewhere out there, inwardly cursing at its forgetful master as the battery inside it melts and begins to destroy the PSP from the inside out. Oh, poor boy. Please come back to me. There are still so many games that I haven't finished yet, let alone play. Labels: games lost
I can't find it. The last time I saw it was on a day when Aliaa and I went out to watch Social Network at Mid Valley. The water bottle that was inside my bag spilled, so I took it out and put it inside a pink plastic bag that I was holding. At least, I think I did. Could I have left it on the counter of the bakery instead? No, that's silly. But that was the last time I saw it. My pink PSP. Could it have dropped onto the floor of the taxi car? .... Shit. Forget GACC, I am much more worried about my PSP right now. I don't want a new one. I want my pink PSP. Labels: games have I mentioned that I hate gacc?
GACC and protocol could shove themselves up an elephant's ass and stay there for the good of eternity. There are a million other things I could be blogging about, from things as tiny as planktons to events as big as the comic fiesta, but it's always the unpleasant things that managed to make themselves the priority. Unpleasant but worth-the-trouble I don't mind, unpleasant but enjoyable I don't mind either, but unpleasant and unpleasant to the max I have a deep disregard for.And it just so happens that GACC and protocol are the two of them. They're both like bratty brats playing dress up and trying to play pretty. Shit ass fuck. Schzanne has been acting up with the Airlangga as well. She wants me to present. I wonder if she's asked anybody else to do the same. This is me being selfish, and realising that doesn't make me feel any better by much. But seriously, I need to take a stand a learn how to say 'no'. It's surprisingly difficult to say out loud, but it will make things easier for me in the long run, for sure. And now, back too GACC. It's the last day of the holidays and I'm gonna go back to GACC for more fucking work. Yeah, I'm gonna punch something out by the end of the day. I can't label this under expletives because I've promised. Shit. Labels: rants GACC is the shitz
Reminder to self:1- Never give empty promises. 2- Don't ever take protocol work ever again. 3- The first step to being a responsible adult is to give immediate reply to SMSs and missed calls. Honestly, one should not overlook the importance and grave consequences of rule no.3. Labels: dailies Ho-ho-ho!
It's a Tuesday-holiday and here I am stuck in UM with a psychotic portable DVD player that refuses to properly let me watch Sarai-ya Goyou and proceed with the daydreams involving a cunning kidnapper and a timid ronin... which is definitely the least that can be done to alleviate boredom. Exercise? What exercise?Anyway, all good holidays need plans! I've wasted enough time the last 3 days doing absolutely jackshit because the HDMI cable was taken away from the PS3 (yes, you read that right :D silence may be golden, but persistence is platinum!). Mak and Abah have found joy in BitTorrent, which means less gaming time for me because the new TV isn't going to be in until this Sunday. Woe. But at least I've got my notebook back *huggles notebook* Back to the PS3, because that's what I'm really excited about, actually. Got it last Wednesday night at Digital Mall, and Mak pretty much bullied the guy to sell two games to us (FFXIII- Shaddup, I'm a sucker for SE; and Ratchet&Clank:ACINT- because I practically grew up with it) at a whopping 65% discount. Yaaaay~! Well, I kinda pity the guy who had the bad luck to have us as customers, but only a little because the money saved will definitely be used to purchase some other game. Had the good luck to run into Aaron as well, and he has Assasin's Creed 3 and Arkham Asylum, two games I've always wanted to try out. It's good to pool resources with the PS3 on account of the games being very expensive. I'm gonna have to cut back on manga and lots of stuff so I can save enough to buy the games that I want. I haven't been tinkering much with the PS3 features (reason stated above) but so far it looks great. Adequate Internet speed (didn't read the user's manual so don't know about full specs unfortunately... will definitely take a look at that later!) , automatic system updates, XMB interface, photos, music, videos etc. Basically, the interface is very much like the one for PSP, so it was all very familiar and easy for me to use. One complaint though is that the PS3 can't seem to recognize an external hard drive my dad jacked into it. Hmm. Definitely need to learn more about this console. The hardware itself is AP from S'pore (hush hush business, but who cares. the Sony guy himself practically recommended the AP to me) so the warranty and PSN ID are S'porean which makes my PS3 a S'porean. Kinda gives me mixed feelings about this seeing as how Aliaa and Som dubbed me as Lee Wat Yew the S'porean. Initially, we were thinking of getting the modified version, but I didn't like the idea very much because the hacking program itself seemed unstable, and we couldn't use the Internet if we modified it for fear of automatic system updates. It all seemed a bit like raping the PS3, in fact. So I'm definitely glad that we got the non-modified version, even though it is version 3.40. The indomitable ice queen may have accepted the conqueror's hand, but it is he who yields and bows to her. Games that I'm absolutely looking forward to play (and now actually have a chance to play!): ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And I'm out! Labels: games Misunderstood (and turning a new leaf)
*** Can't come up with anything witty to describe the catharsis blissfully washing over me right now, but just let it be known that there won't be anymore posts tagged with expletives after this. It's a one-sided feeling unfortunately, and it's hard to tell what's going to happen next- or even if there's going to be any continuation; whatever, that's alright. Lets start anew. Hello. How are you? My name is- *** Labels: thoughts |