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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
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it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
make. believe. broken.
with regards to the psn failure and recent breachment in PS3s' security, i have no choice but to agree with the bastard that fapped to XBox being better than PS3. then again, some of the best and most eagerly anticipated games are exclusive only to PS3 so ha-ha. however, it's expensive to develop games for PS3 so developers might opt for alternatives if sony does not cover their losses fast enough. i'm angry at sony. i'm also angry at the bitching gamers for being angry at sony and demonstrating it in childishly vulgar ways. mostly though, i'm angry at the fucker hacker who screwed sony for screwing basement-dweller-gamers. so furiously angry to the point where i begrudgingly admit that i respect him a little and want to learn hacking so that i can trash other hackers, trash sony and trash whiny bitchy gamers all in one go. that's kinda like a lifelong goal so i'll need to remind myself that with a Post-It note.i also want to play el-shaddai very, very badly. it's partly because of the ookami influence, partly because the the game itself is titled God, el=God (and spot something else if you can!) but that's besides the point and mainly, this guy: ![]() mmmm, yeah. judge me however you will on my unorthodox ways of choosing games, but i think they've worked well so far. okay, that was a lie, but that still doesn't change the fact that i want el shaddai. gonna work my butt off this holiday to earn this game. and trico. too bad all the great games only come after during the half of the year that uni starts up again. oh and gerard way looks hot with platinum blonde hair. so does sick boy from trainspotting, which is one the greatest movies of all times, btw. i think i have a thing for platinum blonde hair now. bleached, near-white translucent gorgeously fluffy, platinum blonde hair. this type of hair will not work on lucifel (guy above) because badass mofo' characters like him do not need the help of bleach to up their image. black is still best. and so is my PS2. Labels: el shaddai, games trousers are pantolon, okay?
Not like this is a retraction of anything, but I've been awfully bad at blogging lately and my last post didn't cover everything that I originally set out to say. Editing the previous entry would have chopped up too much raw emotion, and undermined the whole purpose of the entry so bang goes that theory. Unfortunately I left it sounding like a bad case of diatribe on humanity, which isn't what it's about entirely.Anyway, there are obvious plus points to a copying behaviour. It simply means you like someone enough to incorporate their habits into your own. Simple, subtle and elegant human affection. A worrying argument to this point is that humans are self-absorbed creatures who do this because they want to be noticed, seeing as how the other party is more likely to notice themselves in other people, hence sparking an interest in the beginnings of a relationship. That was a little long-winded but I hope you caught my drift. Another plus point to intermingling is the synergistic effect. That crackle of energy when two or more different yet similar individuals come together, giving birth to innovations and inventions that are hard to come by when alone. Um...um...I guess that's it then. There might have been a smarter way to wrap this up but my attention derails like a hijacked train whenever est em is involved. Labels: rants don't think there's a handle on this one
Y'know you're not much even by your own standards when every little thing that comes up needed to be measured by a friend-o-meter. Dress looking good? I dunno, what would XYZ wear? Uhm, sorry but I don't think Summerland would have fit in with the rest of ABC's to-read list. Well, bugger all that to high-fucking hell. Not all of us are as bad as what I've just described, in fact that was an exaggerated example to bring my point home , but none of us can deny the touch of a friendly influence. That booming sound (silent to us at first, but oh mighty loud to those who know 'the before' ) from the collision of solitary bubbles, the intermingling of air space, the giant cauldron of cultural soup.Take a sip, it's quite tasty. That's the zest of social butterflies. Tastes like lemons. Fresh, cheek-suckingly sour, with a fleeting aftertaste. This is all purely fictional of course, not that a socially defunct piece like me would understand. But I do like to imagine it. Of course some people follow other people in an attempt to be polite, sociable even. Gotta hand it to these charlatans. If life wasn't something you were quite born to deal with, then you might as well try and hoodwink it. It's all fine and good while there's still a clear line between lie and sociopath though, but what happens when they blur into each other? What happens when a misogyny pretending to be human ends up realising he's one of them after all? A snivelling, pack-driven, trustless walking talking flesh and blood wrapped in skin and forgery. Forgery, yes. We're all a bunch of copyycats carving pieces of themselves in other peoples' (of other peoples') block of personality. The first step in becoming a respectable, sociable, working adult is accepting this. Or at least a minimally functioning half-stuck-in-between-teenage-fantasies-and-real-life. Suck on that. Labels: rants spice me up, spicy marmalade
Addicted to This Amazing Harry Potter FMV It has been awfully hot lately. Seriously, even my eyes are sweating. And I think the heat is making me moody and temperamental. I can barely stomach any awful jokes without my mind going completely red nowadays. Sleeping in would be an amazing cure. Exams are a bitch, bitch and a half. Galvin might disagree with me on the basis of student honour which I'd feel compelled to agree with on any given day (because there's some odd romantic charm in student honour atau adakah aku sorang saje yang pelik? -__-) but damn the weather is so hot, screw your global warming ideology, and yes this is a senseless rant GRAAAHHHH! Yeah, that was BM. Ohohohoho. Bet that was as shocking as the lightning that struck BUA. That was an awful thing to happen btw. Apparently the first years lost their teeth models in the fire, and there's a chance that our blue books and Endo projects are lost along with theirs. I'd hate to be the one tearing their hairs out at dealing with costs from damage and repair! Kinda reminds me of all that time dental students spend on talking (and maybe, dare I hope, plan?) about burning down BUA. Idle jokes do come true after all. Oh, one good thing did come out from the sizzling spicy heat that was today. SA (short form for Som and Aliaa) and I went to KLCC for the air-conditioning (food as well, apparently human beings can't survive without this mysteriously delicious subsistence), and Uniqlo was having their opening sale! Yay! We went a little mad inside there but the other customers were even crazier. Girls are mad, I tell yeh. Labels: dailies |