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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
about this blog
it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
Just a game
Will I ever make another proper blog entry with the same old style this place used to have 2 years ago? I rather miss the ambiguous posts that spill forth every thought of mine with reckless abandon, a time where every entry was an open secret, and the faceless blog-reader is simply just another unknown. My current blogging situation feels rather unsettling, just because I'm not altogether very used to toning down my opinions on certain matters.Hmm hmm. Exams are starting in 6 days. Ahahaha. I wish it was a joke. Irregardless, the main reason for my coming to Azarathea was news about Sony's latest gaming endeavor; the Next Generation Portable (NGP). Or in short, the PSP2. I was never as excited in hearing about this piece of news as when I heard about the PSP Go. Then again, I am rather prejudiced against the Go, that weird Playstation dark child. Okay, so I've been trying to look for a proper image at Google, but the best I can manage is a gaming article from some site. ![]() I am very, very excited about this. It isn't going to be just another remake of the existing PSP, hence why Sony insisted on calling it next gen. In fact, the article I read mentioned the PSP2 to be as powerful as the PS3. That's a tall drink to order, and one Sony probably shouldn't be making just yet. There's that thing with the hackers, y'see. I'll need to update on Sony's contingency plans for that, and hopefully, it will not involve a PS4 anytime in the near future. To quote Guillermo del Toro; 'Video games are the comic books of our time... It's a medium that gains no respect among the intelligentsia.' Indeed. Games offer a variety of rich and filling storylines that continuously feed imagination and dreams, and the consoles that convey these stories are still developing, continuously changing to engage the players in a more interactive style. With games, you aren't simply following the hero in the comic book- you become the hero. That there is the appeal, especially to younger children who want to have a taste of becoming the protector instead of the protected. Agh, I better cut that thought short before this turns into an entry about psychology and gaming. It will be rather embarrassing if I get some things wrong, given my obvious lack of formal psychology training. Besides, one can never truly read too much into games. Because sometimes, that's all there is to it. Just a game, nothing more, nothing less. Edit: Given the obsessive nature towards games that my recent posts seemingly have, the only thing I can say to that is... well... it's just another fad of mine? My poor books have been di-anak tirikan. I'm reading Mein Kampf bit by bit at the moment, and I'm beginning to see the psychopath behind the humble beginnings of the Fuhrer. Adolf Hitler is sharp-witted, nobody can deny that, but his obsessive nationalism is certainly creepy. EditEdit: As for the SE Xperia Play, pffft, it's gonna get the same reaction as the Go. SE Walkman is alright, SE Cyber-shot is pretty convenient, but SE Play smells too much like the N-Gage. In other words, it stinks. Labels: games We Are Golden
Had PPIPUM Family Day at 6th RC earlier this morning, and it turned out pretty fun. I was supposed to be there to help Jaksyen with the food and drinks, but most of the time, I became just another face at the bleachers, shouting and whooping for the 2nd years to score (-__-'')But hey, lets try writing a commentary on the final futsal match for the girls! -and Syikin shoots, but there's a nice steal by XXX and the ball goes flying off to Dayana but she's blocked by XXY, XYY and YYY- she's completely surrounded! But wait, she dribbles, she runs, AND SHE SCORES! Lol. Big exaggeration. But it would have been funny if we had some guy with a British accent doing the commentaries for the game. And no, the 1st years don't have Klinefelter's Syndrome, I don't know their names but needed some way to differentiate them so there you have it. There aren't any pictures to post though, because I didn't take any with my meagre handphone camera. Oh well, I'm pretty sure there are plenty of photos to be found in FB. Exams are fast approaching! Let's do our best this time around :) *sleeps* Labels: uni stuff a dry post involving dentistry
GP remains stuck at root apex. Will heroically try and compact the GP from the apical opening, and pray that no void forms, and a sufficient distance from apex is achieved. To cut a long story short, I need to cheat on my Endo I project. God forgive me. Guilt does not make the best company in the lonely nights spent with an overly-hardworking, studious-yet-often-misses-the-point roommate, but I shall try my best. A lesson to be learned from this failure is that I have a tendency to press down on the file during my step-back technique, which will inadvertently increase the working length. Such carelessness is not permissible.If this technique of mine fails, I shall honourably resort to scavenging the bowels of the teeth museum for another sacrificial central incisor. Hah. Honour? As if. The files and the teeth can suck rotten eggs and die from sulfur poisoning. This 8-5 schedule is becoming very draining, even more so now that we have an average of 6 hours of lab on a daily basis. I get back to my room tired and sleepy, but always in need of an activity that can help cheer me up. Time is forever wasted. I need something more substantial than this to justify my student life. But at the same time, I'm afraid that pursuing an extra-curricular activity will jeopardise my studies. Then again, that would still be better than hoohaa-ing. Especially at the SomAliaa room. PS: Celcom is being a bitch, bitch and a half. I can't properly receive calls as they are being automatically sent over to the voicemail for no reason whatsoever. At least, that's how it was the last 272401 times my mum tried to call me :( Labels: class alexander, be responsible
I find it rather creepy when I meet people who share the same things I like on the Internet. It's fine if we only share a couple of things in common but when the list of similarities stretches on and on, I can't help but get scared.It is my most fervent belief that there should only be one Sakinah, otherwise the world is doomed. In fact, if I meet another person who is like me, I think my first instinct would be to draw a knife and stab that person's heart with it. That is for the good of all mankind. Anyway. I've been going out a lot lately. Sharleen came back to Malaysia for Christmas, Jo as well; and the three of us had lots of awesomely insane fun together. Too bad I've mellowed down somewhat since our days in Tropicana. Still, we're awesome, and we know it. Incidentally, we're 1Malaysia as well. But one thing I've learned from our years of friendship is that there are people worth your love, only because you are worthy of their love in return. Maintaining that sort of status quo can be vague and ambiguous to define, but I don't think it's all that difficult really. I have some good friends on me- in dentistry and outside of it. They help keep the voices at bay. And yet, it saddens me that there are also... people who think little of maintaining ties and old friendship. There are many factors at play when it comes to reunions. Time, availability, transportation. Interest. Interest. And how long does the flame of interest and desire burn, before it dwindles and sputters out? What colour does it go by, red hot or icy blue? I'm sorry, my mind left me in a daze. This has been happening a lot lately. Yes, I think it is time to sleep now. Before I bid good night, however, here's an orgasmic-inducing video of Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. It's a shame that my notebook cannot run HD videos without lagging like a maimed sacrificial lamb. Labels: thoughts there was a song about peeing
My bladder can't hold more than 150ml of water, or so it seems.Oh. Found this piece of info on bladder retention. That's good. It is always reassuring to know that one's bladder is normal, and not under mutiny or something weird like that. And here is a teaser for Bioshock 2. It simply looks good. Especially the way Little Sister's dress moves in the wind, and they way she moved her neck every now and then. And she has short hair that looks totally cute on her. And when the sands rose to form buildings, it was just wow. Amazon is selling these at 10GBP. I am so getting it. Aishah left food in her tupperware. It's gonna spoil. Hmm what to do. I know. Go pee. carpe diem
Late to the party in blogger, but ever the fire-starter in real life ;) Wish you all had a wonderful New Year's celebration. Although personally, I don't really get the point in the whole excessively elaborate hype in welcoming the transition between night and day, year by year, so on and so forth. Solat hajat and a cuddle with beloved family members and selected friends should be enough, shouldn't it? It's the heart that matters. All in all, 2010 had been a surprisingly good year. I was able to learn new things academically, and socially. Unfortunately, my mind is foggy enough even on a clear day, so blogger has to bear the brunt of saving up partial pieces of my memory. Haha, yeap, here comes Sakinah's Highlights of 2010! 1. Outdoorsy me :) January- PPIPUM outing to Broga Hill and some waterfall or other. I was scared to death climbing down the steep hill. Heights has never been my strong point, and Broga just made me :S Every free time we got- Went with Som to Mid Valley every time there was enough space in the schedule for it. Ahahahaha- oh God, my poor wallet ;___; my poor parents ;___; Evil temptation, shopping is. June- Surabaya with Awin and Jaksyen! And 7 or so other dental students of no consequence whatsoever. Climbed Bromo and had a near-death experience on the way up. I wish that was an exaggeration, but holding onto a broken door in an old, old 4'drive at 4am is terrifying shit. Especially when you're sleepy. 2. Events and reunions Reunions can either be awesome or awkward. Change is upon us, but when it happens to both sides, can anybody tell whether it's for the good or for the worse? Met up with Germaine and Alissa over dinner at Italiannies. I've already mentioned this before in a previous post, so there's no need to go over this. By the way, there is still no mention of updating SaYuKo Collab. I'm getting over it. That was over in Ramadhan, and on Raya, Dental-ians (ahaha) and Nigel Lin came over. It was one of those awkward things. Met up with him again for Com Fest 2010, along with Hasyim and Jaric. Alissa went with her friend. Faris went as well. This is probably egoistic of me, but I felt bad dragging him into it and then running off with my old friends. I forgot to bring my handphone to the event as well, so contacting people was a huge mess. Com Fest happened in the middle of GACC, and Aliaa couldn't go because she went to Perak with the other GACC-ians. UiTM was having their holidays as well, so no Hazel either. D'aw. 3. Entertainment! Am getting bored with listing anything altogether. I'll just say that I'm in love with Nephew now. Was also pleasantly surprised to find that Som's songs aren't all incoherent weirdness. Some, like Vampire Weekend and Regina Spektor were pretty easy to listen to. Also recently found out that I like listening to OSTs the most. KHR has some awesome OST, and I've been checking with AnimeTech for the CD, but no luck. The highlight of my entertainment list is undeniably the Playstation 3. People are probably bored stiff to read my romantic proses, but I couldn't help myself. Hating FF-XIII though. I've finally went over the 20-hour tutorial mark, and now am bogged down by super monsters that kill and kill and kill. I only have two games on me right now though, so I have little choice but to brave it out. And wait for Team Ico Collection to come out *drools* 4. Resolutions are compulsory for the new year There should also be a check list as for resolutions that have been accomplished for 2010, but I don't think I made one. Either way, here goes my list: i. Get some A's for the final semester as thanks to my parents for the sexy black beauty. Probability of achievement? Well, there might be some hope, but until I buck up and actually study, I can't really say. ii. Save money. Probability of achievement? Oh God, please, please help me with this one. I won't buy any more manga with the exception of Tactics, at least until June. I need to save money for Team Ico Collection, and I would like to feel the happy feeling that I once get whenever I put up money in the bank. iii. Reduce cursing. Probablity of achievement? Not much. But I'll try. HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE! Labels: festive season |