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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
about this blog
it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
My netbook can not play anything HD without lagging like a blind sheep with two broken legs and a zombie biting into its butt. Serious shit. And all I want to do is watch ep 7.I want to see them fucking kiss, already!! EDIT: Okay so finally got it to work, phew. It was okay, but I was kinda grinning happily like an idiot during the kiss scene. It was so chaste and sweet, and when an adorable dork like Sion kisses you, anybody would have this big goofy grin on their faces, I guess. I sincerely don't want rabid fujoshi fangirls to scream out for more, though. This is enough.
Now that character development has maxed out, it's time for the plot to kick in and kick ass! Labels: no.6 These are the stuffs of my childhood days
![]() ![]() ![]() What's yours? No. 6 (Romeo and Juliet?)
![]() One interesting aspect to No.6 is that it has this humongous potential to be a sci-fi anime bordering on BL where sexuality is, and at the same time, is not, an issue. You have a MC who is seemingly asexual as he refuses his childhood friends' blatant request for his sperm (no, really, she asked it like that), and the girl herself is interesting in the pragmatic way she looks upon reproduction. Then of course there's the secondary MC who is just bursting with sexual tension but somehow manages to stay relatively asexual as well. That's the 'sexuality that may be an issue' part, and I did mention that the story can be not about which team you root for simply because of the futuristic setting whereby such things is the norm or at least an accepted deviant. And when you set your mind to that gear, it's actually very easy to get on with the story and accept it as just a unique characteristic of No.6. Plot-wise, it's different from your typical shounen but it isn't anything special either. It's set in a futuristic world picking itself up after a war that ravaged pretty much everything, leaving only 6 cities left standing. The titular No.6 comes from the name of the 6th city in question, and that's mainly where the story takes place. A utopia amidst an otherwise desolate land, the audience is introduced to the conspiracy lurking in the shadows of No.6. One other quirky point about No.6 is the non-conventional script. When I read the manga, I'll admit I was a bit taken back by the contrast between the crass language and the pretty boy art. They toned it down in the anime, but I dunno, I was starting to like it really. Oh, and there are plenty of literary references as well. I was extremely delighted when the MC started quoting Oscar Wilde's The Happy Prince all of a sudden, and couldn't help but grin maniacally whenever the secondary MC break off on a Shakespearean quote. This definitely earns No.6 brownie points with Western viewers, or at least the non-Japanese audience. I'm still feeling rather wary of No.6, though. The pain of 07-Ghost lingers in the air still. Not to mention the way the story revolved around just the two MCs remind me very much of Animal X, although of course the two stories are like heaven and earth. Well, sorta. Hmm...actually now that I mentioned it... Ah. I should have talked about the iftar yesterday night at Pannaz. Hmm.. but I'm feeling pretty sure that Amira Zuber will be blogging about it (or maybe she has already) so I can shuffle real life out from this blog just another moment longer.
Penat? Tak ah...
Once again my English-speaking ways have come under attack, by none other than Tok Sam (s-AH-m, not Samwise), a relative of indeterminate origin (okay not true, he's my fathers' mothers' sisters'/aunts' husband.... i think). I wasn't even talking to him, the poor man just overheard the conversation I was having with my sister and sighed loudly. He later went on about English users being too Westernised, devoid of Islamic values and such. Crap, the old man must have found out about my tail and horns, hahaha. Dad stepped up for the occasion, defending his daughters' choice of language, while my sister was unfortunately dragged into the limelight, casting forlorn looks at me every now and then. Meanwhile, the unwilling instigator of the debate tactfully scarpered off to another part of the room to watch the unfolding battle, but out of respect for Tok Sam I will proceed with the rest of the post in a mishmash of languages.Hahaha, okay, walaupun ak kata mcm tu tp sebenarnye taklah tau sgt apa yg nk cerita. Yeah, org Melayu yg berbahasa BI bak kata kacang lupakan kulit, pengkhianat bangsa dan negara! Yeah, org yg solat 5 waktu sudah tentunya org baik, tak minum arak, tak pukul anak mahupun isteri! Yeah, perempuan yg tk pakai tudung semuanya pelacur! Umpama sekilas ikan di air sudah tahu jantan betinanya, begitulah juga dengan perwatakan manusia, tengok sikit dah tahu baik jahatnya. Wow byk pulak peribahasa yg keluar, aiseeeh. Tapi ada jugak satu lagi peribahasa that went something like dalam laut boleh diduga, dalam hati siapa tahu? Whatever it is, org mcm Tok Sam is a dime a dozen, and ak dah malas dah nk kecik hati dgn benda ciput mcm tu. Whatever I went through is nothing compared to what my youngest two sisters went through at school (and so did Soms' sister or so I gather). Adibah sampai menangis2 taknak pegi sekolah sbb di-ostracize-kan. Kenapa? Sbb dia cakap bahasa omputeeeeh *bagi extra mak cik punya slang* Org tua mcm saya, kamu dan Tok Sam tu satu hal; budak hingusan mcm ni pun satu hal gak. Agak2nye apelah yg fikirkan time blaja BI susah-payah dlm kelas. 'Cis, kenapa pulak ak kena belajar bahasa penjajah ni?'...something like that kot. Tapi bila menjerit2 tgk idola J-drama diorang tak ke pulak pikir camtu. Kalau blh nak jugak sentuh pasal kenapa dan bagaimana perkara mcm ni blh berlaku. Tapi ak cuma blh buat spekulasi saje, krn Allah shj yg mengetahui. Labels: language dilemma, thoughts |