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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
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it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
The title above refers to my financial condition, the state of my mental health and possibly my gingiva. Mmmm yeah. Was Jaksyen's patient today for clinical technique (yes,thanks to Dr. You-Know-Whos' excessive and unneeded excitement in getting rid of us early, our schedule has been pushed up to the point where i just want to sleep whenever 5pm comes) and unfortunately for him, I was a poor patient. Pity Jaksyen and Dinie. It's bad enough that I was throwing a hissy fit at my parents. I wonder if this is because of PMS? I think I need to shout out a huge apology to everyone, somehow. I am being far too emotional lately, manic and depressed simultaneously, pensive and hyper, weird and weirder. But then again, I've noticed that there is quite a few dental students undergoing the same change. Maybe it's from the stress of working in the clinics, or maybe it's because exams are approaching dangerously close. Yet here I am blogging. MATB dinner tomorrow night. Will be sitting with a bunch of crazies :D That's one thing to look forward to at least!Labels: dailies catching up
Shut up dashboard, I know that I have a tonne of drafts piling up, just leave me be in my writer's block. I'll get around to them eventually. Maybe.Anyway, lots of exciting things happened this past week, but there is such a huge shitload of lecture notes to be read that I feel like I can really use Hermione's Time Turner right about now. And I don't care about the whole paradox-time-continuum crap, I wish I could meet my 18 year old self who was innocently filling in the university application and tell her (myself), 'DO SOMETHING THAT YOU LIKE AND NOT WHAT YOU THINK YOU'RE GOOD AT!' complete with a >8( emoticon. I wonder if it would have made any difference. Back to those exciting things I mentioned earlier. Hazel stayed over during the weekend, and we watched Black Swan. I had my doubts about the movie, but they were all blown away the very second the movie started. Seriously, it was good. And for all the awkward and awful physically intimate scenes (to which I thank the M'sian cinema for kindly editing out the more raunchier parts), I have to say, they were integral to the storyline. The movie couldn't be what it was without them. It was perfect in picturing the main character's descent into a dark adulthood, the defilement of innocence and the thrill of discovering a world far away from the safety bubble. For the guys out there, I have an inkling that the lesbo scenes were what made Black Swan so popular among them. Um, hullo? What about the plot, the sfx, the script, the whole cinematography in general? If porn is all it takes to win the Oscars, then any Paris Hilton wannabe could have sent in their sex video and make an acceptance speech consisting nothing but heavy breathing and low moans. Please-lah. Oh, and Hazel and I stuffed our faces silly with Italiannies. Pasta craving, accomplished!! They also serve a mean piece of NY strawberry cheesecake. Any cheese cake lovers (or strawberry lovers) out there should definitely give this slice of heaven a try. Last but not least on the agenda is the trip to the clinics. Yes, we DED0900XX are finally entering our clinical sessions. Just had the obligatory demo by the nurses and technicians regarding handwashing, disinfectant, dental chair, handpieces, and PPE. It was fun. And somewhat unnerving because it hasn't actually dawned on me just yet that I'm a dental student who is going to operate on actual real life human beings. Som's total reluctance and apathy regarding the whole (as she would put it) ordeal probably played a part in it. Come on, we need some enthusiasm, people! Or maybe you guys can continue being the wet towel if that makes you happy but please don't call me a nerd or a freak if I admit to myself that yes, I am actually rather excited at the prospect of looking inside a person's mouth. Yikes, did I just say that? Mmmm oh well. The nurse in charge of PPE was so cute though. I think it's the same one that taught us how to use process the radiographs in optech lab but I can't be sure. All that said, I just need to leave a reminder that I shall probably not blog here as much. It's getting too tiresome, and the writer's block feels like an insurmountable wall and I lack the energy to scale it over. Either way, check out my tumblr which shall be filled with all kinds of random stuff that makes me click reblog or post or crap like that. Shhhyeah this was a long post. On that note, here's a picture from the current manga I'm fapping over like mad; A Cruel God Reigns by Hagio Moto. I simply adore her colour works. Kinda looks like AntiChrist IMO. And considering the title of the manga, I wonder? But shall not read too much into it, and shall just let the picture speak for itself. It is beautiful. Labels: manga, movies, uni stuff pastapastapastapasta
Hello Panda biscuits make a poor substitute for Italiannies' Classic Carbonara. My stomach is not easily fooled, and my tastebuds are crying in rage. I feel like crying together with my tastebuds and have a cuddle together in a little corner.Awh damn. It sucks when there aren't anybody around you who share your tastes in good food. It's dinner time and I absolutely refuse to budge from my room (hey folks! I'm actually staying in UM over the weekend! feh) unless it's for pasta, or the toilet. If Aliaa hadn't barged into my room during lunch hour and dragged me away from the notebook, I would probably just starve for the day. It's either pasta, or nothing. And I don't want to be reduced to having to call up people I do not enjoy just because I know they will be available. Good food is to be had with good people. If I had called you out for dinner, know that I had to dig through piles of junk just to reach my reclusive handphone and punch at the round buttons to personally type out each letter (because the dictionary always give me weird words) and I had to search for your name in my address book and click send. All because you are one of the good people. And good people always wants to eat pasta with me. Labels: food |