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you know about the voices that speaks in your head?i listen to them somtimes. most of the times. sometimes they tell me good things. sometimes they make me wish for bad things. |
about this blog
it's basically the inside of sakinah's brain.but mercifully edited, censored, and anaesthesised with a heavy dose of prozac. tagboard
Design: doughnutcrazyIcon: morphine_kissed |
doodles in the air
I want to see you.I was scrolling through the movies they're showing in the cinema, but there aren't any that I wanted to watch, and I didn't think you'd want to watch any of them either. It kinda sucks that I'm using a movie as an excuse to go out with you, but what other choice do I have? I don't love you. I've made that clear to the both of us (and to an unsuspecting third party), but I still want to see you. Life sucks, and you're an escape better than any other form of entertainment I know. You don't love me. You've made that very clear on various occasions. I'm not your type, and you're not mine. If so... why are we dancing around our conversations like this? Why do I want to ask you out? Why are we so scared of looking back and face our mistakes and move on? I don't love you. And you don't love me. We're just friends that want to see each other, and a need a good excuse to do so because we each have a life of our own, and that' all it ever is. Isn't it? haphazard
Jaafars' legs. Or a poorly drawn rendition of them.
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is a stunning piece of art. It has its downs in terms of gaming, and it has terrible puns, but overall it's amazing. FINALLY a JRPG on the PS3 that's worth playing!
I'm no better, and yet, I'm no worse.
Sorry for being a jerk.
I was actually expecting a sarcastic video poking fun at bananas and wannabe mat salleh (or whatever we're called) but when it turns out to be a genuine attempt at getting Malaysians interested in the English language, I was pleasantly surprised and maybe a little disappointed because I was starting to enjoy that sick brand of cheap humour. It can be fun, masochistic fun perhaps but that's nothing between fast friends eh?
Oh, my English!
Utilisation of universities as a centre of research, discussion, innovation, and open discourse. This might be the romantic in me, but this is the thought I grew up with for the larger part of my life. I can't say that it no longer is, or that there is anything about the higher education institutions here in Malaysia to prove otherwise, because 4 years into university and I'm still living an incredibly shelled life. I know, I know. Go out and explore more, experience more of university bureaucracy and all that jazz. Even so, after 2 years of helping out with GACC functions and DND dinners, it did give me a brief idea on what to expect.
Malaysia's' political reformation brings Malaysians together and wedges them apart at the same time. Perhimpunan rakyat and the Bersih rallies gives one a very basic idea on how edgy Malaysians are with politics. A major part of us appear nonchalant and apathetic towards the situation- politics is politics, no matter what the original interest might have been. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, no? And yet, no matter how smooth the surface of our (poorly constructed) stoicism may seem, the shaking lakebed of thought surely sends out ripples brimming with energy.
I still have hope that no matter what we do, we do it with dignity.
It would be good to gather information, research facts, and compile and summarise them. It would be better to find the courage to release substantial facts and face criticism head-on. There are jerks all-year round, but we can all be a bigger ass to our loved ones, and to ourselves.
I really want to do well for my research project.
I want to challenge Dr. Wan and her obvious disregard for UM BDS students. I can't stand being looked down as worthless trash. There, I said it. Her attitude has been bugging me. This is probably how Mak Jah behaves as a UTM lecturer, and imagining all the shitty reactions she gets from students and the shitty responses she gives to them is annoying me. It probably shouldn't, but it does. Social skills count for something and a psychology grad that fails at that is just humiliating. What does it count as, exactly? A human being, probably. Nah, I kid. Either way, the source of discontent with Dr. Wan is clearly personal as it delineates so many similarities with a close relative that I have always had issues with. Add to the fact that I (surprisingly) like academical challenges. To all who may be reading this, shut the fuck up. Get your piss poor excuse of Malaysian humility out of your mind and back up some pride where it belongs.
That should be the topic for another post, clearly. Malaysian mentality.