It has been a growing habit of mine to look out for people with a- hmm... how should I put this; an outgoing appearance. They look beautiful, hair primmed, nails all done, and they dress seemingly casually but clearly with great care, or they just simply dress to impress- those types of people. And hey, a majority of us are like that. Social animals that we are, we do tend to judge a book by its cover, and human beings by their external appearance. Normally, I wouldn't care so much about fashion or make-up and the likes but curse my late pubertal hormones- I've actually started to take better care of how I present myself to others. Well, it's probably still subpar to the general populations' sense of norm but hey I'm a slow learner. 

But- but- I am not here today to talk about that. Rather, I wanted to talk about looking beyond the pretty face and into the soul. We're trying to take a hold of the ethereal sense of self, or character, and see whether if it matches with the external. Now, it is true that what you're feeling is what you show. Most of the time. It can't be helped, it's a physiological and subconscious effort of ours to reach our minds out to people and form a thoughtless, telepathic-of-sorts connection. These two signs (general presentation, and general bearing) are probably the two signs that we want every Tom, Dick, and Harry to know about us (or not know or can't be bothered to- achk damn my lack of psychological education and infuriatingly presumptious nature). Further attempts at communications such as talking to people and peeling off their social barrier layers will get you to know the person even better. The best attempt at understanding another person's character is probably, methinks, by reading their written thoughts. That is definitely one of the best ways to catch a glimpse of a person's true nature, especially if they think that nobody is going to go through them, hahaha.

And you find an absolutely amazing person within the lines of words and emotions, and it completely surpasses your expectations! They're so... so human, and it helps that they're trying their darndest at being the better person that they hope to be, and I find that absolutely beautiful. Forget the make-up, the perms, the designer bags and chic group of friends you hang out with (or not hang out with, I dunno), lemme just tell you that I read what you wrote, and I find you beautiful. No explosive caps lock, no hyperbole, no Shakespearean prose coming from my part, I'll just tell you in the simplest way that I know how.

You're beautiful.